JHK T-Shirt | Company

La Direcció del Grup JKH TRADER, conscients de la rellevància que té avui dia compta amb l’empresa per satisfer les necessitats i expectatives dels seus clients, configurar tot el necessari recursos per garantir que les activitats desenvolupades"Màrqueting i distribució de tèxtils promocionals peces de vestir", "comercialització de roba de promoció personalitzada i altres accessoris" i "serigrafia impressió de peces i accessoris tèxtils promocionals", respectivament, compleixin els requisits de UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2015 i UNE- EN ISO 14001: 2015 establint una Gestió Integrada A aquest efecte.

The mission and priority objective of JHK TRADER, S.L, JHK T-Shirt Canary Islands S.L., JHK France S.A.S., JHK USA LLC, S&S, S.L., and TOTAL SHIRT S.L. as a company that “markets and distributes promotional textile garments”, “markets personalised promotional textile garments and other complements” and “prints garments and promotional textile accessories” respectively, is to fully satisfy our customers and comply with the legal and regulatory requirements, along with operating with an environmental commitment through the ongoing improvement of the organisations (less waste, minimal use of supplies, control over emissions to the atmosphere and spillages), as well as preventing pollution.

Our organisation’s vision is to establish safe operational centres for all the organisation’s members, satisfy our customers’ needs, encourage our employees to train to provide better quality customer service, and adopt the necessary awareness about our environmental responsibility, as well as continuously promoting an internal and external culture regarding preventing pollution.

JHK is a company that is firmly committed to making our planet a more sustainable space in which to live and progress.

We want to serve our customers, constantly challenging ourselves to achieve the highest levels of satisfaction by meeting their needs and constantly improving the quality of our products and services.

Constant improvement towards excellence as an operational strategy, considering the risks and opportunities that may affect the conformity of products and services, and the ability to achieve higher customer satisfaction levels.

We raise awareness among our organisation’s personnel regarding the importance of effective quality management in accordance with the requisites of the integrated management system that makes the continuous improvement possible.

A commitment to a solid work ethic, integrity and honesty, along with compliance with the applicable regulations and laws, and the other principles to which the organisation subscribes, when it comes to the identified environmental aspects and scope.

Preus i certificats

«  Certificat BKMEA, des del 2005 en què l'Associació Oficial de Fabricants i Exportadors de Tèxtils de Bangla Desh ratifica que la nostra fàbrica no contracta treball infantil i que compleix els estàndards internacionals de medi ambient adequat per al treball de les persones.  »

«  Certificat de la norma 100 d’Oeko-Tex, on certifica que els teixits no presenten cap tipus de problema per a la salut humana.  »

« Sistema de Gestió de la Qualitat i Gestió Ambiental basat en el sistema UNE-EN ISO 9.001: 2015 i UNE-EN ISO 14.001.2015 »

Oficina Central de Fuenlabrada.( Espanya )

Avda. de la Industria, 10

Pol. Ind. La Cantueña

28947 Fuenlabrada

Phone.: 91 642 40 68

Fax.: 91 642 40 69

Magatzem central a Noblejas. ( Espanya )

Ctra. Villarrubia, 37

Pol. Ind. Los Majanos

45350 Noblejas Toledo

Phone.: 925 140 356

Fax.: 925 140 972
